The all new revolutionary breakthrough fat stopper, CLEAN5 comes with Cartivo™ and MicroFuse™ technology. Working with researchers from the United States to put together the dream-come-true ingredient just for you. Now anyone can benefit from a product that stops fat from absorbing into the body.
Be the first to experience the miraculous CLEAN5 and eat endlessly without the worries of absorbing fats into your body. This revolutionised technology combines all-natural botanical extracts and plant fibres. They work by stopping the absorption of fats, allowing your body to burn fats and converting the fats into energy.
If you are struggling with weight-loss and love eating fats and sugar, the CLEAN5 may be your solution towards reaching your ultimate goal of weight-loss.
[1] Neutralises free radicals 中和自由基
[2] Maintains intestinal health 保持腸道健康
[3] Supports the immune system 增強免疫系統
[4] Removes excessive oil from body 排出體內過多的油脂
[5] Repairs the skin & delay body ageing 修復皮膚及延遲衰老
[6] Prevents the absorption of fat from diet 抑制身體從飲食中吸收油脂
[7] Maintaining healthy & beautiful body contour 維持美麗與健康的身體
[8] Protects the body from many chronic conditions 預防慢性疾病
[9] Reduces calories intake and promoting weight loss 減低身體攝取的卡路里及減重
[10] Provides powerful antioxidant support and cellular protection 提供強大的抗氧化成分和細胞的保護層
[11] Helps your body actively protect itself from occasional downturns 幫助身體減輕衰退的症狀
[12] Regulates the metabolism and enhances the detoxification process 調節新陳代謝,增強排毒過程
[1] Cartivo™
The Cartivo™ technology was created for only one reason, to stop fats from being absorbed by the body. We wanted you to be able to enjoy daily meals without having the worries of fat staying in the body.
With the Cartivo™ technology, fats are attached to some of the lipase enzyme to stop fats from being absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). This undigested fats will then be flushed out of your body naturally through bowel movements, so you digest lesser calories from what you eat.
The Cartivo™ technology has changed the beauty-slimming world as we know it and it has helped many people to get rid of fats that they consume each day. In addition, it also removes deposited fats quicker and works to activate cell in vivo, thus eliminating the long-term-silting harm toxin.
Working with our highly skilled research team, we have finally found the perfect solution to blast and dissolve fats in your food. The MicroFuse™ advance technology combines Chitoglucan & L-Carnitine and infuses the ingredients together to blast fats in our food gently into ultra-small particles allowing fats to be flush out of the body.
The MicroFuse™ also has a special duo-action formula to dissolve fats that our body burn and converting them into energy for daily needs. What it does is that it taps on the fats around the belly area and turning it into energy instead of simply excreting to wastage.
Stubborn fats are no longer the issue with the all-new MicroFuse™ technology, the ingredients goes into your system, loosen up stubborn fats both in your food and belly area, when fats are loose, fats burning is speed up almost 3 times the speed compared to the conventional method.
Q. How soon after taking CLEAN5 should I expect to see results? CLEAN5 要服用多久才能看到效果?
A. If you follow a reduced-calorie, low-fat diet, and take CLEAN5 as directed, you should see results in the first two weeks. Most weight loss usually occurs within the first 3 months. 只要搭配較低熱量食物和定時地服用CLEAN5,兩星期內就會看到效果。在接下來的三個月內會看到更明顯的瘦身效果。
Q. If CLEAN5 only works on the fats in my food, how do I lose the fats in my body? 如果CLEAN5只能在當天吃的食物起效果,如何能夠減少體內脂肪?
A. CLEAN5 works by blocking the fats absorption in the food you eat. Since the calories that enters your system is reduced, you consume fewer calories, automatically you will burn fats in your body for the energy it needs. This can result in weight loss. CLEAN5幫助減少脂肪吸收。我們人體如果攝取較少的脂肪,人體會自然的燃燒體內本有的脂肪,把燃燒的脂肪轉換能量。
Q. Who can take CLEAN5? 誰可以服用CLEAN5?
A. CLEAN5 can be taken by overweight individuals age 18 and older. CLEAN5 has been studied in ethnically diverse populations and has been proven safe and effective for all populations regardless of gender, race and initial weight. We would recommend to check with your doctor if you are unsure of your current health condition. CLEAN5適合任何18歲以上的肥胖者。CLEAN5已經過多次的試驗已確保對於不一樣的年齡,種族或體重都是安全的。但如其他保健品,你可以服用前可以先諮詢醫護人員意見,您是否對某些成分敏感。
Q. How long can I take CLEAN5? CLEAN5可以服用多久?
A. You can take it until you achieve your weight loss goal. Most weight loss occurs within the first 3 months of using CLEAN5. CLEAN5可以長期服用,因為含有的天然成分,安全永久使用。通常三個月內都會看到瘦身效果。
Q. When do I take CLEAN5? 如何服用CLEAN5?
A. The mealtime dosing schedule (half an hour before, during or half an hour after a meal) makes it easy to remember CLEAN5. However, if a dose is missed, CLEAN5 can be taken up to half an hour after a meal and still be effective. 您可以跟隨用餐時間的前半小時,用餐時或用餐後的半小時服用。但如果忘了服用CLEAN5,還是可以在用餐後的半小時內服用。