今天,Oh! Slim 的诞生让我们无须再面对那些种种冒险的行径!哪里想瘦就涂哪里!涂了哪里哪里就会瘦!这确实千真万确!所以美眉们要记得,千万不可以涂胸部哦^0^
2013 最新最热 - Oh! Slim 击破了市场上的瘦身霜给您带来的种种负面印象!
有人说,< 我不喜欢搽瘦身霜,因为它搽了感觉油腻腻的!>
有人说,< 我不喜欢搽瘦身霜,因为它的味道好像跌打酒的味道!>
有人说,< 我不喜欢搽瘦身霜,因为它会辣伤我的皮肤!>
针对这一些烦忧,您大可不必担心!因为Oh! Slim 采用多种勻体成分,使用后可使肌肤迅速被吸收,让您摆脱油腻腻的恶感!同时,您也不必烦恼在搽了瘦身霜后出门时备受外人的异样眼光,因为Oh! Slim 绝对没有‘跌打酒”的怪味,反而是香味扑鼻,香喷喷的 ^~^ 而为了证实Oh! Slim 适合每种肌肤的男女使用,我们进行了一项临床试验,由各30位干性皮肤者,油性皮肤者和敏感皮肤者试用,为期30天,经过连续7天使用后,Oh! Slim 的效果和改善明显可见!也无任何损伤事件发生!因此,您还在犹豫什么呢?赶快!就在今天开始,改变自己,挖掘另一个尚未被蜕变的那个自己吧!
2013年最新最热,Oh! Slim Cold,以AH3类元素、Hordeum Distichon(大麦)提取物,薄荷,,芦荟提取物,水解胶原蛋白及Hamamelis Virginianal等成份组合而成,能促进淋巴血液循环,加速多余脂肪的分解,减低脂肪积聚,减少水肿及增加脂肪消耗,帮助消除现有的脂肪堆积,抑制新脂肪生成,肌肤的松弛现象逐渐消失,并有效的塑形腰腹线。同时也含有多种勻体成分,使肌肤吸收迅速,有效消除浮肿和橘皮组织,令皮肤更加紧实,体态更加轻盈纤细。
三大主要成分 :
AH3 ——采用高浓度AH3,能每日收紧肌肉组织,深入皮肤底层,激活及畅通淋巴管道,防止赘肉下垂,有效赶走拜拜肉,并由于其独有紧肤效能,可以瘦身之余也不会出现橙皮纹,让瘦身效果达至完美。
Menthol —— 薄荷脑具有清心冰凉感,也有杀菌功效,能保护皮肤对抗有害细菌。薄荷让你在瘦身过程中,给予肌肤清新冰凉的享受,从中加速脂肪燃烧、紧肤的效果。
Hamamelis Virginiana —— 金缕梅提取物是天然的肌肤收敛作用,能帮助调理肌肤油脂,协助毛孔紧致 。亦有柔软功能,增强皮肤的防御能力及促进淋巴血液循环。
Oh! Slim Cold 美国最新配方主要针对女性肥胖或产后腰腹部松弛变粗,改善粗腰隆腹现象,击碎分解蜂窝桔皮组织,麒麟臂的松垮肉肉,粗壮大小腿及臀根部的粗厚脂肪,排出毒素及多余水分,活血化瘀,独特的加速淋巴血液循环与特别研制的祛脂塑型配方结合,令腰腹结实,同时预防女性生理周期不适症状,让女性轻松拥有健康苗条身材。
AH3 ——类肉毒杆菌 ,一款市面上最有效的瘦身元素能促进血液循环,渗入皮肤底层激活及畅通淋巴管道帮助排走体内多余的毒素以及水分,特别针对容易松驰和积聚脂肪的 腰腹,有效减轻腿部皮肤臃肿及增厚现象。由于AH3能发挥发挥收紧抗皱作用,可以瘦身之余也不会出现橙皮纹,让瘦身效果达至完美。
Menthol ——薄荷脑富含天然吸收油脂特性的植物萃取,帮您紧致肌肤重拾弹性肌。有助于消除橘皮组织,脂肪组织,水积聚,造成难看的波诡云谲和肤色不均!给予您理想的窈窕体态。
Hordeum Distichon (Barley) Extract —— 大麦提取物是天然的深层保湿精华配方,它不旦拥有修护肌肤的功能,还有防止肤色暗哑,增强皮肤弹性的超好功效。
Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Extract ——芦荟萃取物含有激活细胞活力,内含的超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化酶,维生素C,维生素E,胡萝卜素等自由基的清除剂,能清除绰起皮肤细胞衰老的自由基,延缓皮肤衰老,具有祛皱保湿,收敛调和皮肤,滋养皮肤,和保护皮肤的功效。
Hamamelis Virginiana —— 金缕梅提取物是天然的肌肤收敛作用,能帮助调理肌肤油脂,协助毛孔紧致 。亦有柔软功能,增强皮肤的防御能力及促进淋巴血液循环。
Hydrolyzed Collagen —— 水解胶原蛋白是多肽,多肽是一种链状化合物,利于人体利用,这种水解胶原蛋白的分子量在3000道尔顿左右,这样的分子量是最有利于人体吸收的。水解胶原蛋白可以有效的协助体内弹力蛋白、胶原蛋白和网状蛋白的组成,它同样也有着和胶原蛋白一样的作用,对皮肤的保养效果很好,有效的抗氧化去皱纹,达到延缓衰老的作用。另外,水解胶原蛋白对身体结缔组织的保护和修复等等都有非常重要而有效的作用。
√ 男女适用
√ 产后妈妈
√ 局部肌肉松垮者
√ 四肢肥胖者
√ 腰部,腹部赘肉凸显者
√ 对自己身形不满意者
√ 适用于局部肥胖、 如腹部、手臂、腿部、臀部等
1. 避免产品对肌肤引发起不舒适的敏感体,建议先前试用于肌肤较细致的手臂内侧,10分钟后,若无红肿不适再继续使用。
2. 建议在洗澡后使用,因沐浴后,体温较高、血液循环快,有助皮肤吸收产品。
3.由于产品的强效性, 不能作为一般的护理品用于身体其他部位,也不能作为瘦脸产品使用。
4. 定期为身体肌肤去角质,避免老废角质影响吸收效果。
5. 怀孕期不宜使用。
6. 饭后不宜立即使用。
7. 肝,肾病患者及高过敏感体质者慎用,少数皮肤特别敏感者,皮肤病患者慎用。
8. 个人的体质对产品的有效成份吸收能力不同,所以出现的效果也会不一样,如果末达到理想效果,建议继续使用本品 。
9. 请放置于小孩不能触及的地方。
《Oh! Slim Cold Body Shaping Cream》
A type of slimming gel with various combination of different ingredients with AH3 and Hordeum Distichon extract, peppermint and aloe vera extract, hydrolyzed collagen and Hamamelis Virginianal. It can helps to accelerated lymph circulation, accelerating decomposition of excess fat and reduce fat accumulation, reducing edema and increased fat depletion. Helps to eliminate existing fat accumulations, restrained of fat burning, flabby skin will be gradually disappeared. Effectively for body shaping. It also contains a variety ingredients composition, so that the skin can absorbs quickly and effectively eliminate puffiness and cellulite, making the skin firmer, and slimmer.
No Exercise, No Diet, No Liposuction, No medication, No injection!
Easily shake away your fat with healthier way. We make it a HAPPY GO SLIM~ Go green, Go healthy, Go safety, Go Nutritionally~ SLIM is that EASY!!^^
3 Major Ingredients
AH3, Used of High concentrations AH3, which can tighten the muscle tissue daily, infiltrate into our skin, activating and dredging lymph, to prevent sagging muscles, effectively get rid of fats and cellulite free. A Perfect way to get slim.
Menthol gives cooling sensation to your body during the application. Besides, it is stimulating and antiseptic, protecting skin from harmful bacteria. Menthol gives your body cooling and stimulating enjoyment doubles up the slimming result.
Hamamelis Virginiana, Its styptic properties make it as a remedy for damaged skin. This plant is also found in make-up removers for its decongesting properties. Witch Hazel is also has soft functional, enhance the skin's defense capability and promote lymphatic circulation.
Oh! Slim Cold. A highly absorbent and non-greasy cream that works to targeting fat cells with intense cold. Promote skin elasticity and firm sagging skin especially after weight lose. It is supercharged with moisturizing and firming agents helps to promote maximum skin regeneration and smooth away surface lines. Skin tone improved day after day.
WHY you choose SLIM COLD?
1) Tighten the Skin
AH3 type of Botox, a kind of most effective element that improving blood circulation, infiltrate into our skin and activating our lymph helps to take away toxin. Particularly to resolve muscle loosen and fat accumulating problems around the waist. Effectively reduce bloated legs. AH3 provides tighten skin and anti-wrinkles functions which will effectively anti-cellulite too and bring u a perfect slimming effect.
2) Shaping
Menthol enriched with natural fat absorbing plant extracts to reduce excess fat and regain skin elasticity. It also helps eliminate cellulite, fatty tissue, and water build-up that cause unsightly lumpy and uneven skin! Gives you your desire body shape.
3) Moisture
Hordeum Distichon (Barley) Extract is a natural ingredient that helps to improve skin and barrier function. It has moisture function and effectively prevent dullness skin, improving skin elasticity. Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Extract activating cell viability, contained of Superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene which will helps to control growing of aging cells, provides anti-cellulite and binds moisture to skin.
4) Improving blood circulation of lymph
Hamamelis Virginiana. Its styptic properties make it as a remedy for damaged skin. This plant is also found in make-up removers for its decongesting properties. Witch Hazel is also has soft functional, enhance the skin's defense capability and promote lymphatic circulation.
5) Quick Absorption, repair and Antioxidant
Hydrolyzed Collagen is a polypeptide, the polypeptide is a chain compounds which is beneficial to human body, this hydrolyzed collagen molecular weight is about 3000Dalton, the molecular weight is most beneficial to the human body absorption. Hydrolyzed collagen can effectively improving the body elasticity, collagen and reticular protein composition, it also has the same effect as collagen, it is very good for the skin, effective antioxidant wrinkles, to anti-aging effect. In addition, the hydrolyzed collagen provides the body skin protection and restoration, so it plays a very important and effective role.
Suitable For:
Women and Man
Mummy that just delivery baby
People that having muscles loosen problems on certain part on body
Arm and Legs obesity
Fattening waist/ tummy
For those who are not satisfied with own body shape
Suitable for partly obesity like tummy, arm, legs, hips and etc
Massage will helps to improve skin temperature which will speed up the absorption or the cream. Effectively burning fats and promotes gastrointestinal peristalsis, Repel excess moisture and stubborn fat, making a more compact and stylish bodyshape.
Direction to use:
Use after shower. Wipe your skin until dry on the part that you wish to apply. Apply the cream on the part that you need, use your palm massage alternating clockwise and counterclockwise until it fully absorb into your skin. The fat on the hips and arms is lesser compare to tummy, so you will need your finger to do the massage, put some of the cream on your palm, rub it until feel warm and start to massage gently on your legs and arms.
1. To avoid any skin allergies or any uncomfortable feeling, it is advisable that tested a small amount of the cream on your arm, applied it and waited for 10mins, if there is no skin allergy or uncomfortable feeling then you may continue use it.
2. Advise to use after shower. As our body temperature will raised after shower, it helps for blood circulation and easy for absorption.
3. This is a strong potent product so it was not suitable to apply on face.
4. Do body scrub regularly so that the dead skin won’t affected the absorption effect.
5. Not suitable to use during pregnancy.
6. Not suitable to use right after meal.
7. Having Kidney and liver problem or having serious skin allergic problems is not advisable to use.
8. Different physique will affected the absorption of the cream so it may have different outcome on different kind of user. If the outcome did not reach your desire effect, it is advisable continue using the product until you meet your target.
9. Please keep away from children.
Ingredients : Deionized Water, Menthol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Ceteareth 20, Glyceryl Monostearate, Isopropyl Myristate, Caffeine Anhydrous, Propylene Glycol, Carbomer, Olea Europaea (Olive) Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Extract, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Hordeum Distichon (Barley) Extract, Arnica Montana Flower Extract, Stichopus Variegatus (Sea Cucumber) Extract, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea) Extract, Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Extract, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Fragrance, Nonylic Acid Vanillyamide, Diazolidinyl Urea and Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate ,Propylene Glycol.
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