Suffering from annoying constipation and bloating?
Having high cholesterol health issue?
Feeling sluggish and lethargic?
ZERO+ is an all-natural digestive wellness kit which is developed and formulated in North America to tackle the three main causes of poor digestion: bacteria overgrowth, constipation and poor nutrient absorption. A healthy digestive system can help result in improved regularity, less bloating, more energy, better sleep and healthy-looking hair, skin and nails.
This colon and bowel detox kit is mainly designed as a weekly rapid detoxification or an one month gradual cleanse. Detoxing the bowel regularly not only provides the equivalent of a 'spring clean' effect, it also supports the colon and liver so they can perform their important filtering role more effectively.
ZERO+ contains a blend of tonic herbs and functional food to support cleansing and bowel function, and other key nutrients to support colon and liver detoxification. It may be undertaken as a rapid one week detox, or a more gentle detox over one month depending on your lifestyle and condition.
ZERO+是一個由北美研發的全天然消化系統保健配套。 它能夠有效的解決消化不良的三大主要原因:細菌過度生長 、便秘和營養吸收不良。一個健康的消化系統可以改善身體 規律、減少腹脹問題、人體變得更有精力、擁有更好的睡眠 和健康的頭髮、皮膚及指甲。
這產品主要是做為七天的結腸和腸道排毒,或是長達一個月 的逐步清除。定期排毒不僅能達到淨化人體的功效,也能讓 結腸和肝更有效地發揮其重要的過濾功能。
ZERO+富含多種滋補和功能性極強的有益食品,及多種 關鍵營養素以支持結腸及肝臟解毒。它可以被當作一週性的 快速排毒,或者是超過一個月的、較溫和的排毒療程。
Having high cholesterol health issue?
Feeling sluggish and lethargic?
ZERO+ is an all-natural digestive wellness kit which is developed and formulated in North America to tackle the three main causes of poor digestion: bacteria overgrowth, constipation and poor nutrient absorption. A healthy digestive system can help result in improved regularity, less bloating, more energy, better sleep and healthy-looking hair, skin and nails.
This colon and bowel detox kit is mainly designed as a weekly rapid detoxification or an one month gradual cleanse. Detoxing the bowel regularly not only provides the equivalent of a 'spring clean' effect, it also supports the colon and liver so they can perform their important filtering role more effectively.
ZERO+ contains a blend of tonic herbs and functional food to support cleansing and bowel function, and other key nutrients to support colon and liver detoxification. It may be undertaken as a rapid one week detox, or a more gentle detox over one month depending on your lifestyle and condition.
Toxins play havoc with our physical health. They reduce quality of life and are the cause of many ailments. They skillfully poison us, slowly over time. Day by day pile up in our bodies and we lose the energy to expel them in such huge quantities.
After a few years, our health begins to fail and we end up miserable as we develop one disease after another. So if you are tired, lack of energy or are missing the enthusiasm to do anything – that is a sign your body is in urgent need of a detox treatment.
Fecal masses that don't excrete accumulate in the body. It can amount to pounds in weight. And toxin sit in the intestines, poison us slowly but surely. Storing up dangerous substances takes years. It is a silent but deadly process.
STOP! It does not have to be this way. You can save yourself from these horrors and secure a healthy life for yourself. Embraces ZERO+ today.
讓我們從今天開始一起遠離這些惡夢,讓 ZERO+ 徹底改變您的人生吧。
[1] Acting as a Digestive Detoxifier: The herbs contain natural prebiotics and probiotics to help rid the body of bad bacteria that can potentially cause gas, bloating and lack of energy.
促進消化系統:草藥含有天然益生菌,能夠幫助清除可能會 導致脹氣、腹脹和精神不振的細菌。
[2] Acting as a Digestive Cleanser: This lemongrass, lemon balm, and lemon extract combinations gently brush the lining of the intestinal wall to help eliminate built-up waste and toxins.
淨化消化系統:ZERO+ 成功混合香茅、檸檬香脂和檸檬萃取物,輕刷腸壁以幫助清 除殘留的囤積物和毒素。
[3] Acting as a Digestive Drink: ZERO+ is the perfect digestive drink to help promote regularity and a healthy digestion. ZERO+ proprietary herbal selection, in a delicious lemon drink, gives your body the daily fibre you need to help keep your body regular. This formula creates a gel to help bind toxins, fats and cholesterols to reduce their absorption into the body. It's never been easier to have a healthy digestive system!
提升消化功能: ZERO+ 幫助身體達到有規律和健康的消化系統。 ZERO+ 專有的草藥混搭,給您的身體提供每日所需要的纖維。這個 配方將產生一種凝膠來幫助身體排除囤積的毒素、脂肪和膽 固醇。
[1] Acting as a Digestive Detoxifier: The herbs contain natural prebiotics and probiotics to help rid the body of bad bacteria that can potentially cause gas, bloating and lack of energy.
[2] Acting as a Digestive Cleanser: This lemongrass, lemon balm, and lemon extract combinations gently brush the lining of the intestinal wall to help eliminate built-up waste and toxins.
淨化消化系統:ZERO+ 成功混合香茅、檸檬香脂和檸檬萃取物,輕刷腸壁以幫助清
[3] Acting as a Digestive Drink: ZERO+ is the perfect digestive drink to help promote regularity and a healthy digestion. ZERO+ proprietary herbal selection, in a delicious lemon drink, gives your body the daily fibre you need to help keep your body regular. This formula creates a gel to help bind toxins, fats and cholesterols to reduce their absorption into the body. It's never been easier to have a healthy digestive system!
提升消化功能: ZERO+ 幫助身體達到有規律和健康的消化系統。 ZERO+ 專有的草藥混搭,給您的身體提供每日所需要的纖維。這個
Q: Who is suitable to consume ZERO+? 誰適合服用 ZERO+ ?ZERO+ is suitable for those who are having trouble losing weight, or feeling sluggish and lethargic. People who are suffering from constipation also get benefits from ZERO+.
ZERO+ 特別適合那些經常感到疲倦、懶散、無精打采及肥胖人士。
Q: Why should I take ZERO+? 為什麼我需要服用 ZERO+ ?
Toxins are entering our body from every medium such as air, water and food. Although our body is able to eliminate toxins naturally, the amount of toxins entering our body is much higher than our body can handle. With ZERO+, it effectively restores and improves body detoxification functions and aids in expelling toxins from the body.
Q: When is the best time to consume ZERO+? 什麼時候才是最佳服用 ZERO+ 的時間?
It is advised to consume ZERO+ before bed time. This is due to the optimal period of body to absorb nutrients is from 10pm to 6am. During this period of time, organs are restoring and functioning at the peak to ‘heal’ our body. ZERO+ will also be absorbed at the maximum level.
Q: What should I take note when I am consuming ZERO+? 在服用 ZERO+ 期間,我需要注意些什麼?
Taking as much water as possible (2-3 Liter of water throughout the day is recommended). Water is the best solvent for toxins as well as body needs enough water to function well, not just for keeping your body hydrated but also to eliminate toxins from your body. However, do not consume water in a large volume at once. This will ‘trigger’ the diuretic function of body and eliminate the water without being absorbed. Separate the water consumption into several times, 300-350ml at a time.
Q: How to maximise the effect of ZERO+? 如何提升 ZERO+ 的效果?
It is advised to consume more portions of vegetable, fruit and water to enhance the process of detoxification. Do avoid oily food and heavy meal as this might affect the process. Exercises are also recommended in order to help in eliminating toxins through perspiration.
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